Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Six-Monthversarry, Forever long lasting <3

Heyyooo.. ketemu lagi sama tanggal magic. It's reaaalllly mean lots. Selain bisa dinner enak sama hubby,  dikasi surprise gift (halahh, waeee ^^) n pastinya saling share tentang rumah tangga qta (cieeeh..).

Six month being a wife, pastinya masih "Sesuatu"... n belom afdol klo blom menghasilkan "Sesuatu". Xixi, berasa syahrini gelaa niiy.

My Big wish di taun ini n di bulan ini adalah ngasi "sesuatu" for my hubby. Si sesuatu yg bisa bikin hubbyku dipanggil "daddy" (amiiinn *crossed finger*).

Ugh, time goes by so fast. Seems like bru kemaren masi sekelas bareng & pake baju putih biru ma orang ituhh, and goooshh, it's been 13 years ago.
Masi inget pas awal2 jadian, putus nyambung, jauh2an, ngambekan, terus diem2an... and now dia  serumah, sekamar n sekasur  with me!!! (ow, Yay! Serasa begimanaa gtuuh #wew).
And it's been six month, ketika bapakku menyerahkanku padamu (tadaaa... welcome to my jungle, beb!!).

Dearest hubby, thnx for making me the top of lady of ur life. With u, i'm stronger.. with u, i'm the happiest woman in the world.
I luv u, pipioo!! For today, for next month, for next year, n for ever long lasting our life...





~ur sweeties mimio, inabu~

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