Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

a day with,,,

not only a day with,,, (exactly) pengen everyday with,,,!! i publish the crazy man (haha, baca: pablis! jadi inget pembicaraan ma pacar beberapa menit lalu ni!).
this's a story,, unusual story for my life. okeh, love-life tepatnyaaaa.

he comes from MARS, setelah lama ngilang karena dijadiin sample makhluk bumi oleh alien2! (kek the X-FILE season si mulder di culik alien n ninggalin si scully dengan ketidakpastian,, fuiiih!). dia (bukan murder!!), orang yang sama bebrapa tahun lamanya yang pernah ada dan pengen banget selalu ada ketika gw 'jatoh' (terjun payung kaleeee). catch me n help me to stand in this crazy world (BERLEBIHAN ga si?).

dia yang diibaratkan a boy, buku tua, pikun, menyebalkan, dan such a lost memory,,, (halahh meuni loba gtu istilahnya!!). orang lama yang terasa baru bukan karena dia anak GAOL, ato sok kebarat-baratan! lebih ke 'dalemannnya' (ooops, jangan mikir 'daleman' dalam versi negative! oh no,,,). i mean 'daleman' disini sifat dia yang dlu gw kenal amat sangat berbeda dengan sekarang. pendiem?? ewww,,, ga deh! more than kek ibu2 yang mo bukaan 4! pemalu? mmmhmm, sedikit! but not in front of me tentunya!! it's ok, asal jangan malu-maluin deh!!

a day with this man,,, sangat interested!! nerima 'daleman' gw yang sesungguhnya (lagi2, please dont think negative about 'daleman'!! okeh?). honestly, i'm the selfish one, kadang menyebalkan, ga banyak ngomong sebenernya (lebih banyak nyusahin karena kerjaannya cuma bilang "o ya?", "ooo..", "hmmmmm,,"! so dia yang lebih banyak ngeluarin tenaga!!!).
a day with him,,, seems like program lama yang di upgrade ke versi terbaru. LEBIH KEREN, dari tampilan sampe 'daleman2nya' (nah, daleman disini lebih ke kecepatan dalam loading, and closing! halah, waeeeee,,, sok ngerti gini gw!!!).
a day with a boy yang memang udah bukan boy lagi,,, we both know that we're two people yang sama2 gengsi bilang I REALLY NEED U,,, (hihi, LEBAY!!).
a day with someone that i really want to spend lot of times,,, MENYEBALKAN SANGATHH if he always say "maaaaaapppppp" (please deh, bukan p! tapi F, say!!).
a day with this person i love,,, BIKIN KANGEN! apalagi after seharian jalan-jalan di SITU GEDE (yang pernah gw promosiin juga di blog ini)!!
a day with U, yang lagi on the way ke JOGJA buat kerja sambilan jadi asisten mamang becak (hehehe,, pisss),,, KEEP FIGHT!!! i'll be waiting here,,,!!!

PS: tampak bingung pengen nulis apa, sekedar menuhin blog ajahhh!
PS: ,,,,, luv my time with my bf!! please, not BLUE FILM!!! BF yang lain!!

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

THE OLD BOOK,,, not only a book!!

It’s start from a book. The old book, saved at upper of my rack. A book, everytime I saw just made me hurt! And a book I never been able to throw it, even I really want to do that!!!
This time, without doubted, I open this old book. Page by page,,, don’t care that it’s gonna make me hurt more. A book I finally read not just a cover or conclusion (only). Now, I read every word.
Lot of things unexpected, this book so excited. Every page I read gonna make me laugh. Full of fun. So unbelievable to realize that this is a same book I really hate to have it. The fact that it is a colorful book, don’t wanna move to fast to finish it. I’ve lot of time for it.
THIS OLD BOOK is likes a beautiful gift, have no meaning for people. But full meaning for me. Worth it to be mine, coz it been mine since years ago. YAY!!
Damn, I love it more that hate it before!!!
MY LOVELY BOOK ,,,, not only a book!!!


Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009


Neupangkeun sisi lain si QUEENIE yeh! Mmmhmmm, nyaeta si nyi-QUEENIE teh urang sunda uy! Trus? Nyaaaa ayeuna ek nyobaan nulis make bahasa sunda we atuuuh, meh ngabuktikeun bahasa sunda bisa diajakan gaulll, jiga bahasa2 lainna. (Hihi,, maksajeung ngaririeutdotcom)

First step nu lumayan muluss, even bahasana rada ancur! Hihi,, hampura aya keneh bahasa baratan, kusabab teu apal make kata naon nu alusna. (Weleh,,welehh,, dong dong dong nya?)

Bahasa sunda teh bahasa aslina orang jawa barat, tapi kadang dipake bahasa gaul oge ku luar jawa ('gede hulu' MODE ON). Bahasa sunda sorangan loba macamna, aya nu lemes jiga orang garut, aya oge nu rada kasar jiga orang bandung. Sedeng orang tasik mah campuran tidua eta. Ngarti teu? *Halah, asa maenkeun si cepot kieu*

Abi urang sunda keur nyobaan nulis make bahasa sunda (AUSKNNMBS). Tapi teu ngarti kudu nulis naon,, nulis bobodoran da lain si jojon, nulis sihir? Ayeuna geus teu zaman si heri puter, atawa nulis carita-carita budak awewe jeung lalaki jajadian dulurna drakula a.k.a vampire? Halahhh, it's iiiiimagination high level!!

Okehlahh, AUSKNNMBS nu titatadi hayang diajar nulis make bahasa sunda ayeuna rada rieut,, rieut da tulisan iyeu mun dipikir-pikir bulak balik belekok a.k.a euweuh ujungna.

Nu bisa ditarik kesimpulan nyaetan this is the first step for ME a.k.a AUSKNNMBS. Soalna bahasa sunda teh salah sahiji culture Indonesia nu kudu dijaga n dilestarikeun. Teu kalah unique jeung bahasa minang ato jawa gitu loooh! Bahasa nu jadi sapopoe rakyat saantero priangan timur. Bahasa nu nyirikeun orang Singaparna, lain Singapura, komo deui Malaysia,, ow ow ow awas ah bisi aya nu nge-klaim deui!

AUSKNNMBS titadi jujumpalikan nengan kata-kata lain da keukeuh hayang nulis make bahasa sunda ayeuna geus bener2 rieut,, rieut da bahasana geus mentok a.k.a empty!

Teu uyeh ya tulisanna?? Baelahhh,, minuhan blog we ahh,, yuuuhuuuu,, (sabodoteuing MODE ON)

Nya atuh, ngke disambung deui lah,,

Manggaaa aaaaahhh,,

Queenie bakal balik deui,,

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

Girl & Boy, The Next Step!

Everything’s looked like usual, boy and girl tried hard to enjoy they own world.
Girl, was busy herself with friends, learned something new (handle business on her-own… yeah the queen on the troane, raiiiiit!!). That’s so perfect world she have.
Then boy, he done lot of new things; games addict and found another new girl in his life to fill in the empty part inside. But deep in his heart, there was somethings never forget.

Just hear some advice, move on, that’s life!!!”, one quote for both.


At big room with a beautiful roof from wood in school reunion-ceremony, the atmosphere soooo crowded, lots of laugh, hugs n that’s a damncoolpreatty looks like.
Girl sitting on the blue chair with a glass of OCHA in her hand, looking so nice with a brown dress. And keep smilling when friends say “hi” or just shake hand.
In different side of the room, boy enjoys the sound with his old friends with his big laugh just for reminding about stupid-things they ever done at school last time.
While looking for some drink, boy see girl sitting on the blue chair. Girl he really missed.
Several minutes, boy keeps watching girl, and so surprising that girl catches his eyes finally.
Then boy walking to girl, even his heart sooooo friendless.
“Hey,, Do U mind if I sit here?”, boy with a calm-shit greeting he forces. A girl, try to keep smile,while she looks so awkward.
“Oh, sure,,just come”, girl answers.
“Here, the OCHA,,, Uhmm, as U like huh?”, then girl talk again with the glass he hold, over him.
“Mmhm,, big thanx! I really need it, so thirsty…”, boy talk and reach that cola, uups OCHA (lit bit different of taste!).
The atmosphere between girl n boy so different with people around, so warm and full of laugh. They looks cool-bad-shit atmosphere, without laugh and stupid-things story from the last.
“Where have U been?”, girl finally open her mouth, try hard to not looking her-side.
“Mhhmm, somewhere with someone, is it bad?”, he says with some joke he makes.
“Try to move on with my bored-life!”, boy correctly.
“I’m empty, without U! Feels mad, sad and….. unconditionally cant life without U! funny, huh?”, girl grumbles.
“Yeaah, sad to hear,,, You're the one I wish I could forget!!”, boy says.
“There’re times for hating U even just for a while! And the fact that I’m happy for missing U, don’t really care with your respect! Now just wanna speak up! Thinks that not easy to forget, though u're not!!! Hard to belieeeevehhh!!”, girl talk with low voice, then she look him and smile. A beautiful smile she have.


Boy and girl, sit on waiting room of car washing they first met. The ice have been melted, being something beautiful. Not too late to realize they need each other. Something unpredictable n not only makes them happy, but all of people around veeeeery happy. And YESS, THE FACT IS THEY CANT KEEP THEIR EYES OFF OF ONE EACH OTHER!

PS: hanya lucu2an with my ordinary IMAGINATION. Dengan kosa-kata n tata bahasa yang sangat dipaksakan! SILAHKAN AJA KALO ADA YANG MO PROTES *siap2 ngasah samurai*

PS: for my beloved boy, hihi,,, U KNOW I LUV Yeaaah!!
